How to Transfer Contacts From iPhone to Android?

If you are switching from iPhone to Android, you would want to move your data from iPhone to your Android device. While you can keep a backup of the data from your iPhone to cloud storage or on computer and access it whenever required, however, you would want to export your contacts from your iPhone to Android in order to have access to all your contacts on your Android device. To know how to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android, follow the step-by-step instructions provided below.

Steps to Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Android

METHOD 1: Export Contacts Manually

If you don’t have many contacts in your iPhone to transfer to Android, you can simply use the share contacts option. For this, simply select the contacts on your iPhone which you wish to save, and swipe down and select the tab which lets you either share them via text or email message.

METHOD 2: Use iCloud

Apple’s cloud system can be a useful tool to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android. You can export contacts using the cloud by following these steps:

  • Go to on your computer and choose the contacts you wish to export. You can do the selection by manually or clicking on the gear icon and using Select All option.
  • Next, click on the gear icon and select Export vCard The contacts will be downloaded to your computer in a VCF file format.
  • Then, connect your Android phone to your computer, copy the VCF file to the local storage of your device and import the contacts from the Contacts or People app.

NOTE: As you would have stored the vCard file to your SD card, you will need to select the “Import from storage source” option.

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METHOD 3: Via App

There are numerous apps available that can help you easily export contacts from your iPhone to Android device. One of such applications that you can use for exporting contacts is My Contacts Backup.

  • Download and install the application on your iPhone.
  • When the app prompts to access your contacts, make sure tap OK
  • Next, tap on the Backup option and select email option.
  • Add the VCF file to an email and send it to the Gmail account which you using on your Android device.
  • Now, go to the Android device and download the VCF file and import contacts from it to your device.

METHOD 4: Import to Gmail

Another easy way to export contacts from your iPhone to Android is by transferring the contacts via your Gmail account. To do this:

  • Go to the on your computer and choose the contacts you wish to export. To select all the contacts, click on the gear icon located on the lower left section and choose to Select All option.
  • Next, click on the Gear icon and choose Export vCard option.
  • A VCF file will get downloaded to your computer.
  • Then, sign into your Gmail account and click on the Tile icon located on the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Select Contacts option from the menu that appears on the screen.
  • After that, click on the More button and choose Import option from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the Choose File button in the popped-up box and select the VCF file you downloaded to your computer.
  • Finally, click on the Import The contacts will get downloaded to your Gmail contacts.
  • This way the contacts will get updated to your Android device.

NOTE: Make sure the Gmail account is configured to your Android device to which you wish to import contacts.

METHOD 5: Use iTunes

This method works for even those models of iPhone that works on iOS 4.x and earlier version. In this method, you will be guided to export contacts using iTunes.

  • Lunch iTunes on your computer and connect your iPhone to it.
  • Next, go to the handset’s device summary page and select the info
  • Then, select the checkbox next to “Sync Contacts With” option and choose “Google Contacts” option.
  • Type your Google account and password and select Apply

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NOTE: Make sure your Android device is connected to the computer.

  • After that, allow Google to sync your contacts to your Android phone and you are done.

So, this is how you can easily transfer contacts from your iPhone to Android

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